Reconnective Healing Therapy

What is Reconnective Healing?

Reconnective Healing is about returning to an optimal state of balance. It can be understood as a complete spectrum of frequencies, which consists of energy, light and information. The first fundamental element is energy. In our essence and in our body, we are naturally made up of energy. Light is resonance and communication within these frequencies between us and the universe. The information comes through the interaction and adaptation to energy and light.

It is tangible, measurable and you can feel it.

Reconnective Healing goes beyond traditional energy healing techniques. It is not a therapy or treatment as it does not focus on symptoms. It’s so much more. Reconnective Healing does not diagnose or treat symptoms. We just interact with the Reconnective Healing Frequencies. Healings can be quiet and inconspicuous and can happen inside … or spontaneously … and for the rest of life …

Reconnective Healing is awareness, so it’s not a technique and there are no prescribed steps or procedures.

It is recommended that you have at least three Reconnective Healing sessions before doing The Reconnection.

The Reconnection

What is Reconnection?

The Reconnection is an accelerated exchange of energy, light and information carried by the Reconnective Healing Frequencies. It is a focused process that connects three systems: the ley lines of our planet, the meridian lines of our body and the universal energy grid. The Reconnection is a once in a lifetime experience. It connects us back into a timeless intelligent system.

Originally our meridian lines, sometimes also called acupuncture lines, were connected to the grid lines that surround our planet. These grid lines connect us to a larger grid that connects us to the whole universe. Our body has its own energetic points and lines. Although only remnants are left, they should still form the interface with the universe: a channel between large and small, microcosm and macrocosm, the universe and humanity. Over time we have become separated from these lines. We have lost the connection to the fullness of the universe, and thus we have moved away from the expansive course towards evolution. The Reconnection brings us “new” axiatonal lines (connecting lines), which enable us to adjust to unique levels of vibration and to use frequencies for healing and, last but not least, for our souls’ progress. These axiatonal lines are part of a parallel-dimensional circulatory system: They are used to draw the basic energy for the renewal functions of the human body. These new lines are activated and enable the exchange of light and information, the reconnection of the DNA strands and enable the reintegration of the “strings” (dimensions that occur simultaneously or exist in parallel).

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